Friday, November 4, 2011

Continuing our Adoption Journey

On 27 May 2011 we became a forever family. The day was surreal for Sam and I. For me it was a day confirming what I knew all along, that these boys were meant to be our sons. For Sam, I think it was his chance to finally breathe. Throughout our journey to become parents we have known nothing but disappointment. If we dared get excited about the fact we were pregnant it would always end with empty arms, bleeding hearts and broken spirits. While I was ecstatic to hear the news that the boys birth mom choose for them to stay with us, Sam was more guarded, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Shortly after adoption day Sam left to meet his unit in Afghanistan. He was given the opportunity to stay here since I am having medical issues and am separating from the Army on a medical retirement. We talked in depth about what we should do and in the end decided that we know we want to adopt again and in order to do so we need a bigger home. Sammy's deployment would help us financially in order to move us into a hope that would allow us to let our family grow. A few weeks before we left Sam found an unbelievable house and the combination of a low interest rate and the builders need to sell allowed us to get our dream home. There is so much room for everyone to enjoy and two extra bedrooms, one of which will hopefully be filled with another family member.

Initially we opted to be foster parents again but on and off the possibility of a domestic adoption enters my heart. I would love to be matched with a birth mom before hand and be present for my child's birth. I still am not sure which path we will choose or rather which path will choose us. For if there is one thing I learned while having the boys in our life is that the child or children that are meant for you will find you one way or another.

1 comment:

  1. i am so happy for you. sorry to hear that you are having medical issues. i wish you wasnt having to go though all that. and congrats on your forever family.
